Diana Awuah

203 Southbridge Street, Auburn, Massachusetts, United States

I am so thrilled to introduce my self to you. I a m Diana Awuah, a Real Estate Licensed P rofessional working with Century 2 1 XSELL in Worces t e r, Massachusetts . I have been with XSELL since 2014 and could not ha v e found a better honorable brokerage to join and work with.

Working in Health Field for many year s , due to my thorough passion and love in helpi n g people, I decided to extend to Real Estate to be of more help to all who will need my services in helping make their dream of achieving the pride of home ownership a realit y .

As a Realtor, specializing in Residential P roperties, I have always brought great energy, creativity, dedicatio n , experience, and personal knowledge to my work. You can be assured that I will stay on top of all details of a deal to provide prof e s s ional, smooth and easy going transaction.

I am ready and willing to help and offer you any outstanding level of service, so p l ease do not hesitate to reach out to m e for your Real Estate need s .


Diana Awuah
(Realtor) .

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Diana Awuah is a real estate agent with Century 21®, working out of the CENTURY 21 XSELL REALTY at Auburn, Massachusetts, United States. Fluent in English. Diana Awuah can assist you with your property needs in Auburn, Massachusetts.

Professional skills


Office location

Auburn, Massachusetts, United States
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