Customer service means surpassing the expectations of the customer, not by a little but by a whole other level. I was raised in my family\342\200\231s restaurants, where surpassing the customer expectations was absolutely taken to the next level. I continued surpassing customer service expectations in the hospitality industry as a Hotel Manager and in the retail industry as a manager also.
What I have learned in surpassing customer expectation of service I now apply to the real estate industry as a REALTOR. Surpassing customer expectations in the real estate industry means that I will not only find and write the contract on the property for you, but I will follow all the details and dates, from having a signed contract to inspections to the closing. I will ensure that you the Customer knows and understands each step involved.
Kyle Banks es agente inmobiliario conCentury 21®, trabajando fuera de la CENTURY 21 Realty Advisors enValdosta, Georgia, Estados Unidos. Fluido enInglés. Kyle Banks puede ayudarte con tus necesidades inmobiliarias enValdosta, Georgia, Estados Unidos.