Office Manager Marek \304\214ih\303\241k about Pavl\303\255na:
Pavl\303\255na has a strong sense of positive communication and personal development in the real estate direction. She specializes to real estate market in Prague, where she looks for profitable investment properties for clients from abroad. She speaks fluent English, which is appreciated by every client from abroad (investor). I recommend clients to cooperate with Pavl\303\255na on the basis of an exclusive agreement so that she can present your property to investors .
Mr. Benc, client:
Hello, I would definitely like to highlight your willingness and proactive approach. At the same time, you were accommodated in everything we needed ie. two examinations in one day, within a few hours, and prompt delivery of all the information and documents we asked for. That's how I imagine approaching a customer. Thanks a lot. Benc.
Co o Pavl\303\255n\304\233 \305\231\303\255k\303\241 \305\231editel kancel\303\241\305\231e pan Marek \304\214ih\303\241k ?
\342\200\236Pavl\303\255na m\303\241 siln\303\275 smysl pro pozitivn\303\255 komunikaci a osobn\303\255 rozvoj v realitn\303\255m sm\304\233ru. Specializuje se na Prahu, kde vyhled\303\241v\303\241 zahrani\304\215n\303\255m klient\305\257m vhodn\303\251 investi\304\215n\303\255 nemovitosti. Plynule hovo\305\231\303\255 anglicky, co\305\276 ocen\303\255 ka\305\276d\303\275 zahrani\304\215n\303\255 klient (investor). Doporu\304\215uji klient\305\257m spolupracovat s Pavl\303\255nou na b\303\241zi v\303\275hradn\303\255 dohody, aby pak mohla Va\305\241\303\255 nemovitost investor\305\257m prezentovat\342\200\234.
Jak vid\303\255 pr\303\241ci Pavl\303\255ny jej\303\255 klienti ?
Dobr\303\275 den, ur\304\215it\304\233 bych cht\304\233l vyzdvihnout Va\305\241\303\255 ochotu a proaktivni p\305\231\303\255stup. Z\303\241rove\305\210 jste vy\305\241la vst\305\231\303\255c ve v\305\241em, co jsme potrebovali tzn. dv\304\233 prohlidky b\304\233hem jednoho dne a to v rozmez\303\255 jen p\303\241r hodin, d\303\241le promptn\303\255 dod\303\241n\303\255 ve\305\241ker\303\275ch informac\303\255 a podklad\305\257, o kter\303\251 jsme po\305\276\303\241dali. Takhle si p\305\231edstavuji pristup k zakaznikovi. Moc diky. Benc.
Pavlína Lupínková es agente inmobiliario conCentury 21®, trabajando fuera de la CENTURY 21 Harmony enŘíčany, República Checa. Pavlína Lupínková puede ayudarte con tus necesidades inmobiliarias enŘíčany, República Checa.