Extensive Education and ExperienceDick is consistently a top producing REALTOR\302\256 in Pend Oreille County and is in the top 15% by volume in the Spokane Multiple Listing Service. In addition to recreational property, Dick also is very active in the listing and sales of residences; homes with acreage; city lots; acreage; timberland and commercial property. Dick Bockemuehl is a lifelong resident of the community and is a member of a family that are pioneers of the local area.Dick is a graduate of the Newport schools, the University of Washington, Chevrolet School of Merchandising and Management, Mykut School of Real Estate, and numerous additional real estate continuing education seminars.Dick Bockemuehl has worked in sales and sales management for the past 43 years. Recognition for his efforts includes Spokane Association of REALTORS\302\256 Multi-Million Dollar sales (10 years); CENTURY 21\302\256 Million Dollar Sales (2 years); Chevrolet Legion of Leaders (7 years); Chevrolet Truck Sales Hall of Fame (4 years); Chevrolet Society of Sales Executives (2 years).Personal Interests and HobbiesDick is active in the community as well as membership in the Newport-Oldtown Chamber of Commerce and Priest Lake Chamber of Commerce. Other activities include Past President of the Lions Club in addition to all the other Lions club offices. Dick was active in party politics and was County Chairman and State Committee man for a 10-year period. Dick Bockemuehl is a regular contributor to Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club.Dick is a year-round resident of Diamond Lake and he enjoys boating, barbecuing, fly fishing and wildlife video photography
Richard Bockemuehl est un agent immobilierCentury 21®, travaillant à l’agence de CENTURY 21 Beutler & Associates auSpokane, Washington, États-Unis. Parle les langues suivantes :Anglais. Richard Bockemuehl peut vous aider avec vos besoins en matière d’immobilier au Spokane, Washington, États-Unis