2103 Warren Avenue, Cheyenne, ワイオミング, アメリカ合衆国

Tracy is the General Manager and Associate Broker of Century 21 Bell Real Estate who is responsible for all operations of the company. Tracy comes to the real estate profession as a University of Wyoming graduate with a degree in Communications with emphasis in Public Relations & Marketing. Following Tracy's graduation she was a marketing specialist for Rocky Mountain Clothing who is known for their Cinch & Cruel Girl brands. Following her tenure at Rocky Mountain, she became the Marketing Director at Roper Apparel & Footwear. Those employment opportunities found her in Denver, Dallas & Houston. Migrating back to her hometown of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Tracy was employed at Pioneer Printing, one of the largest printing organizations in the Rocky Mountain Region, first as Director of Marketing and the final 5 years as Vice-President of the corporation.
Tracy & her husband, Cody, live on an acreage outside of Cheyenne. They are avid hunters and sportsmen & women. They have 2 children, 4 grandchildren. Completing their family is their K-9 kids, German Short hair Pointers & a French Bulldog.
Tracy says she had a wonderful experience traveling & working in other areas, but she loves being back in the wide-open spaces of Wyoming where hospitality abounds.


Tracy Wilsonは、 Cheyenne, ワイオミング, アメリカ合衆国 にある CENTURY 21 Bell Real Estate に所属する、Century 21®の不動産エージェントです。 英語で会話できます。 Tracy Wilsonは、 Cheyenne, ワイオミング, アメリカ合衆国 におけるお客様の不動産ニーズにお応えします。




Cheyenne, ワイオミング, アメリカ合衆国