Michael Johnson

3715 29th Avenue Suite B, Kearney, 內布拉斯加州, 美國

The one thing I have learned about this Circus we commonly refer to as The Real Estate Industry, is it\342\200\231s a rapidly changing Beast. You will either have the luxury of being able to think about a very important, and expensive decision over a weekend, or you will only be afforded a couple of hours. Sounds like fun, doesn\342\200\231t it?
One might feel a little overwhelmed. I know that my wife and I were for our first home purchase. The one thing that my wife and I had going for us was a great Real Estate Agent. He provided us with insight, valuable information, and most importantly, counseling, throughout our transactions over the years.
Ever since that initial experience, I have always felt that this was what I ultimately wanted to become, a person that will be there to help others. A Realtor.
What I have found is, that by being a Realtor, I am now in a position that allows me to assist people in their search for housing that they are in need of, or homes that they dream about.
So, unless you enjoy feeling like a pitcher staring down a .387 power hitter with a full count, in a 1 run, 2 out, bases loaded, bottom of the 9th game 7\342\200\246\342\200\246\342\200\246\342\200\246\342\200\246\342\200\246\342\200\246give me a call, I\342\200\231d love to help.

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Michael Johnson是Century 21®的房地產經紀人,工作地點為 Kearney, 內布拉斯加州, 美國處的 CENTURY 21 Midlands 流利使用英文。 Michael Johnson可以為您在 Kearney, 內布拉斯加州, 美國 的置業需求提供協助。




Kearney, 內布拉斯加州, 美國